
Tank Level Measurements

June 8, 2021

Tank level measurements can be made in 50 different ways, which means our customers have a variety of options for their specific needs. In this application, the customer used a D/P cell “spud” type tri-clamp connection, which is easily removed for sanitary applications.

The large diaphragm of the seal converts the pressure from the fluid onto the pressure sensor in the transmitter housing. This pressure can be converted to level based on the density of the liquid.

The advantage of this method is that it is tried and tested for nearly every liquid level application and that you can get very close to the tank bottom to determine empty vessel conditions. 

Because the customer is using an IGP10S transmitter w/ 11 different preprogrammed calibration curves, the transmitter is very accurate both at the high and low end of the tank. 

Interested in this method? Contact one of our engineers here!

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