
Newly SIL2 Capable: 5580 & SW5580

September 12, 2022

What is SIL?

Safety Integrity Levels, or SIL, are the relative levels of risk-reduction provided by a safety function, or to specify a target level of risk reduction. Simply put – SIL measures the performance necessary for a safety instrumented function (SIF).


What are the 4 Integrity Levels associated with SIL?


What is the IEC 61508?

The IEC 61508 allows for the development of a uniform technical approach that can be applied to all safety systems in electronics and related software. It is a horizontal standard applicable across a wide range of sectors. The standard requires the analysis of the potential risks or hazards of a given system or device.


Why are SIL Certifications Important? 

The purpose of the SIL certification is to measure safety system performance and the likelihood of failure. Achieving SIL certification, based on the IEC61508 Functional Safety Standard, signifies that the product has been thoroughly assessed and is a reliable electronic device ready to use across a wide range of industries.


Newly SIL2 Capable: 5580 & SW5580

Metrix recently announced that the 5580 Signal Conditioner and SW5580 Dual Channel Switch has been thoroughly evaluated by an independent third party agency on the basis of IEC61508 Functional Safety standards and is now SIL2 capable.

The assessment covered the areas of systematic capability, hardware safety integrity and random safety integrity.


Why choose the 5580 Signal Conditioner or the SW5580 Switch?

They are a great lower cost alternative to rack mounted monitors. Both are available in a dual channel configuration.

The 5580 and SW5580 are similar, but the SW5580 also includes optional dry or solid-state relay contacts.

They accept signals from machine casing mounted velocity sensors, accelerometers or shaft observing proximity probe systems. Both produces a 4-20 mA output (NAMUR compliant) proportional to the measured variable and an amplified raw signal. They provide a configurable signal input type for one or two independent channels, plus the ability to scale output either to peak or RMS units, and an LED indicates alarm levels

You can operate them in a Dual Path Mode, one sensor in, two channels out. They have rod Drop and impact functionality. Both can be configured in the field to meet application requirements using our free configuration software!

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